Young man walking

Client Brief : We are looking for images of a young man (can pass for college-aged teens/twenties) viewed in profile, appearing to be walking. This image will be used in a composite design, so ideally it will be in sharp focus with a clean, uncluttered background.PS Number : 00001589Deadline Date : 2017-09-04 11:06:00Intended Use : […]

Parisian Doors

Client Brief : I am looking for an image of Parisian doors, with one open a crack and light shining through so you are interested in what’s going on inside. Ideally this would be shot at night or dusk so there is more mood to the image rather than just a photo of doors. PS […]

15/16 year old girl from early 20th century

Client Brief : we need an image of a 15/16 year old girl, early 20th century, poor rather than wealthy. We’re finding it tricky to find anyone who’s the right sort of age, most models seem to be younger or older.PS Number : 00001579Deadline Date : 2017-09-01 11:03:00Intended Use : Book CoverGenre : Historical Fiction […]

Asian girl

Client Brief : I am looking for images of Asian girls for a book set in 1943 Korea. The girl can be from around 10-25 years old. I am also looking for a Asian woman by the sea or one I can put in to a scene. See examples attached.PS Number : 00001578Deadline Date : […]

Colorado River

Client Brief : We are looking for artistic contemporary or historical photographs or paintings of the Grand Canyon with the Colorado River but without people.PS Number : 00001577Deadline Date : 2017-08-22 15:30:00Intended Use : Book CoverGenre : Other Please upload any relevant high-images through your Arcangel account. Images submitted to Livesearch projects will also enter […]

african school girl

Client Brief : We have received an urgent request for an image of an African girl wearing school uniform. The book is based in the UK, the girl needs to be aged 10-15 and she has long hair. This book is a memoir so evocative images are best. Does anyone have any suitable images they […]

1960s young women

Client Brief : Saga picture of two young women, book set in 1960s. I am after a picture, of two young women, preferably a poignant, wistful, heart-wrenching look. Its set in 1960s but we don’t mind if it looks earlier, no swinging 60s clothes. Ideally the girls would be one blonde and one brunette, but […]

west coast of Ireland

Client Brief : I’m looking for a beautiful photo of the west coast of Ireland, ideally Co. Clare but could be anywhere that looks similar in landscape. Ideally there will be two tiny figures in the landscape, however we can add these in later if you don’t have a suitable image with people. Needs to […]

1940s/50s 8 year old girl

Client Brief : I’m looking for an image of an 8 year old girl, where you can see the girl’s face, ideally looking at the reader, possibly over her shoulder so we can show her hair- these are the specifics > 1940s / 1950s > long and thick auburn hair > tied it back from […]

Jacobean Bed

Client Brief : I’m looking for a gorgeous, Jacobean era (tudor/Elizabethan/17th century English) wooden carved bed, probably a four poster, with beautiful drapes like the pic attached. It could even be a doll’s house bed. It is going to be cut out and placed onto a shelf, so it can be at a bit of […]