Business group of people

Client Brief : We are looking for shadowy images of 3-6 people in business attire but with one or more women as well. They should be dressed in skirt or pant suit with high heeled shoes. PS Number : 00001526 Deadline Date : 2017-06-28 10:13:00 Intended Use : Book Cover Genre : Thriller Please upload […]

1914 Mixed race young woman

Client Brief : We are looking for a very beautiful young woman (18-30). She should be mixed race. The book is set in George Town (in a sugar plantation) in 1914, the girl’s mother is white and the father is african american. The model should be well dressed, full-length or three quarter length, pensive, shy, […]

URGENT Woman looking out of French Doors

Client Brief : Looking for images of a woman inside, in the shadows (we can add these) looking out of a doorway or french doors/window. she must be full length. The main thing is the pose- she should be sideways on, looking out the window, contemplating. We are also looking for balconies/ full length windows/doors […]

US College Campus

Client Brief : We are looking for timeless images of a Northeastern college campus. Nothing too famous or recognizable (i.e. Harvard). But some setting like a quad that says “college campus” right away. We are looking for images with or without people, but they shouldn’t be the main focus of the shot. Photos or illustrations […]

empty crib in dark room

Client Brief : We need an image of a empty baby cradle or a crib in a dark room. Interior of the house needs to be modern or contemporary (no buildings in ruins). Nice addition to a photo would be a window over a cradle but it isn’t necessary. Its a thriller novel about baby […]

Wartime Lady

Client Brief : We need to find an image of a wartime lady in yellow dress in front view. 20-30 years old. Optimistic mood, smiling. She can’t look too modern or fancy. PS Number : 00001510 Deadline Date : 2017-06-06 08:00:00 Intended Use : Book Cover Genre : Historical Fiction Please upload any relevant high-images […]

Bride and Groom Full Length

Client Brief : We are looking for a cute bride and groom being adorable. Apparently, the bride character looks like Zooey Deschanel while the groom resembles JFK, Jr. Ideally they will be full-length or nearly so. Please avoid close-ups. See attached examples. PS Number : 00001507Deadline Date : 2017-06-05 09:00:00Intended Use : Book CoverGenre : […]

Lady’s foot stepping on cigarette

Client Brief : We are looking for the image of a woman’s? shoe, stepping on a cigarette. Ideally, the shoe should be from the 40’s but can be any time if it’s a classic shoe.PS Number : 00001502Deadline Date : 2017-05-31 13:30:00Intended Use : Book CoverGenre : Historical Fiction Please upload any relevant high-images through […]

Old man and young woman from Kirghiz population

Client Brief : We’re looking for portraits and waist up shots of timeless old men from the Kirghiz population (central asia). The images must be in colour. We’re also looking for beautiful women from the central Asian/ Kirghiz area. Ideally the images should be with lots of modern colour and lots of cold, frozen, water […]

Couple on a moped

Client Brief : We currently require an image as close as possible to this photograph. The image should be of a young couple on a moped late 50’s/early 60’s vintage style. PS Number : 00001498 Deadline Date : 2017-05-30 16:00:00 Intended Use : Book Cover Genre : General Fiction Please upload any relevant high-images through your […]