Authentic Vintage Photography from Arcangel

The Arcangel creative stock photography collection contains many period costume shoots, but we also offer a full archive of genuine vintage photography! We focus on vintage photography that’s suitable for fiction covers and other commercial projects. Many of the images come from private family collections, giving them an intimate and personal feel. More recently, and […]

Arcangel Weekly Briefing Challenge – Highlights

Each week Arcangel contributors are invited to tackle a particular theme or subject, with the challenge to interpret the brief and shoot it as creatively as possible! We’ve received some fantastic submissions in response to the briefing challenge, and here are some of the highlights from the last few weeks. Themes our contributors were given […]

What we look for in book cover photography

  As book cover photography specialists, the Arcangel submissions team have a great deal of expertise in regard to what works in book cover design! Every week, thousands of new image submissions are assessed before being accepted or rejected for the Arcangel collection. We employ our industry experience together with the feedback we’ve received from […]